KNLT Spring Artists’ Retreat 2015

KNLT, in collaboration with writer Erik Reece, and visual artist and writer Zoe’ Strecker, recently hosted an artists’ retreat on Pine Mountain. The outing was aimed at engaging a diverse group of artists around our Pine Mountain Wildlands Project in hopes that the beauty of the mountain and our efforts to protect it would inspire […]
WWF Living Plant Report

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released its biennial Living Plant Report in 2014 documenting a startling decline in vertebrate (e.g. mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes) populations worldwide. WWF’s Living Planet Index (LPI), a measure of trends in thousands of vertebrate species populations, showed a decline of 52 per cent between 1970 and 2010. This means […]
KNLT & the Royal Visit

KNLT staff members were honored to have been included in the events held for the Royal visit to Louisville last week. Our staff had a unique opportunity to briefly discuss our work on Pine Mountain with Prince Charles. He asked several question and was particularly interested in knowing whether the Monarch butterflies use the mountain […]