Land trusts are nonprofit organizations formed for the purpose of protecting important land resources for the good of the public. KNLT focuses its efforts on wildlands, migratory corridors, large forest tracts and critical natural areas. Our conservation methods include direct purchase of properties, acceptance of donated properties, purchase or gifts of conservation easements, and life estates. Properties must have substantial or outstanding natural lands or biodiversity protection values for KNLT to consider any of these options.
KNLT’s efforts are primarily focused within the Pine Mountain Wildlands Corridor and the Bernheim-Fort Knox Wildlands Corridor. We collaborate with a variety of conservation partners to protect lands elsewhere around the state. If we cannot fit a land protection proposal into our priorities we will try to network landowners with one of our partner organizations who would fit the request.
Protection Options
Direct Purchase of Properties
KNLT will consider the purchase of lands that have substantial or outstanding natural lands or biodiversity protection values. Landowners can choose to sell their land at less than its full market value (a “bargain sale”), entitling them to tax benefits for the donated amount.
Acceptance of Donated Properties
KNLT will consider donations of properties that have substantial or outstanding natural lands or biodiversity protection values. The landowner is entitled to an income tax deduction for the value of the property.
Gifts of Conservation Easements
If a property fits KNLT’s protection guidelines, a landowner can protect his or her land by donating a conservation easement over the property. Landowners maintain ownership of the land and conservation restrictions define restricted and permitted uses of the property. Easements are flexible, private, permanent and may result in tax benefits.
Life Estates
A landowner can donate real property (e.g. home, vacation home, real estate, farm) to KNLT and continue to use it during his or her lifetime. Proceeds from the sale of the property after the donor’s death by will support KNLT’s work to protect, connect and restore wildlands.
Trade Lands
Properties that have little or no conservation value can be donated as trade land. KNLT can sell these properties and use the proceeds to acquire conservation land or to use in other ways that further our mission.
Landowner Questionnaire
To help us assess how we may best assist you with your conservation interest please fill out the following form: