Thanks to your partnership we’ve had another great year protecting, connecting and restoring wildlands in the Commonwealth. The following are a few highlights from 2022:
– KNLT protected 2,100 acres of wildlands adding landscape connectivity and resiliency across Kentucky. We had several notable Pine Mountain acquisitions include establishing Laurel Gap Preserve, expanding Salt Trace Gap and safeguarding wildlands next to Blanton Forest.
– KNLT set a bold strategic vision earlier this year that aims to increase the pace of our protection efforts within a broader geography.
– KNLT partnered with communities by expanding outdoor recreation opportunities as well as safeguarding regional drinking water in Eastern Kentucky.
KNLT by the numbers:
Learn more about our conservation efforts over the last year by reading our KNLT 2022 Annual Report (pdf).
Our conservation successes are made possible by the power of partnership. KNLT is very grateful for support from individual donors, foundations, and partners. Join our efforts by getting involved today!
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photo: Pine Mountain Sunset ~ Jennifer Honeycutt