Our Place is Important – Help Us Safeguard It

green mountain range on a blue sky with view of town in the valley below

Dear Friends of KNLT, Place is of importance to all species. How we think about, and even talk about, a place influences how we treat that place. Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot about our place here in Kentucky and Central Appalachia. This is a geography of extraordinary landscapes and communities with a unique history […]

Fall Artists’ Retreat 2023

KNLT returned to hosting our annual artists’ retreat last fall with a weekend exploring the wildlands of Central Appalachia.

Partnership in Action: Protecting Eastern Hemlocks

canopy of Eastern Hemlock trees

Over the last two years, Kentucky Natural Lands Trust has partnered with the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves to treat Eastern Hemlocks against an invasive pest that threatens the survival of this keystone species.