Warbler Ridge Expansion for Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, KNLT is pleased to announce the Lliam Sumpter addition to the Warbler Ridge Preserve. KNLT recently protected this 65-acre tract on Pine Mountain in Harlan County. The tract safeguards vital wildlands and expands the preserve to 3,166 acres.

The Lliam Sumpter tract has important forest habitat utilized by some of the thousands of plants and animals found along Pine Mountain including the endangered long-eared and Indiana bats. It also safeguards headwater tributaries to the Cumberland River which is part of the most biodiverse freshwater ecosystem on Earth.

Warbler Ridge connects several state lands to form nearly 9,000 acres of contiguous protected wildlands. The preserve is poised to be a notable addition to the regional outdoor economy as it is a key link in the 1,800-mile Great Eastern Trail unfolding from New York to Alabama.

“KNLT is thrilled to be celebrating the 53rd Earth Day with the announcement of the protection of more wildlands. Our conservation efforts are important local actions that are of global significance.”
~ Greg Abernathy, KNLT Executive Director

We’re grateful for the support of individual donors, foundations, and partners. In particular, we thank the James Graham Brown Foundation and the Imperiled Bat Conservation Fund (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kentucky Field Office), for making this project possible.

Farmer, writer and KNLT Advisor Wendell Berry reminds us that “The earth is what we all have in common.”

Learn more about the Pine Mountain Wildlands Corridor: KNLT.org/pmwc/

4/22/2023 – KNLT Press Release (pdf)

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cover photo: Lliam Sumpter Addition to Warbler Ridge Preserve ~ Tara Littlefield, OKNP
#kywildlands #pinemountainky #warblerridge #warblerridgepreserve #earthday