Kentucky Natural Lands Trust has launched our Wildlands Sustainers program – and we invite everyone to join! Wildlands Sustainers commit to a monthly, recurring donation that will sustain KNLT as we meet the vital conservation needs of our Central Appalachian region.
Two longtime KNLT supporters committed to monthly donations earlier this year. Amy and Jerry tell their KNLT story below and share why they are proud Wildlands Sustainers.

“Amy and I have been connected with Kentucky Natural Lands Trust since 2015 when I became a board member of the Forecastle Foundation.
During the Forecastle Festival, the Foundation built an activation site to showcase the environmental partners we supported and to give them opportunities to talk to Festival attendees and each other about the naturally awesome work they do throughout the Commonwealth and internationally.
KNLT was one of those of partners and over the years, we really got to know everyone and developed a deep love and knowledge for the Pine Mountain Corridor, and beyond. They became family.
Our relationship with KNLT was further strengthened during the Forecastle Foundation’s annual Board Retreat at Pine Mountain Settlement School. Members of KNLT staff and board would host and provide guided hiking tours of the lands they were protecting. It gave us a chance to hangout, eat together and hear stories about those flying snakes of Knobby Rock. Fast forward nine years later, we have tabled at and attended many KNLT events.
We love our Kentucky home and want to do everything in our power to preserve it, from the mountains and forests to the rivers and lakes.
We love playing throughout the Bluegrass State. We also understand the importance of protecting it and we cannot do it alone.
Kentucky Natural Lands Trust has been doing just that for nearly thirty years and that’s why we made it even more personal and became Monthly Sustainers.
Join us and become a part of the family.
~ Jerry & Amy Scrogham
Become a Wildlands Sustainer
KNLT is grateful to all our Wildlands Sustainers and hopes to grow this incredible group! With a donation of just $5/month sustainers receive our exclusive Wildlands Sustainer salamander sticker designed by artist Robby Davis.
By joining at the $10/month level sustainers will have their gift maximized with a $100 one-time matching donation (through September 30, 2024).
Have a question the Wildlands Sustainer program? Email [email protected]
About Kentucky Natural Lands Trust
KNLT is a nationally accredited nonprofit working to protect biodiverse and climate resilient landscapes in ways that benefit communities. Through partnerships with individuals, nonprofits government agencies and businesses, KNLT has protected more than 57,000 acres of wildlands throughout the Commonwealth.
For more information on how you can help KNLT protect wildlands, sign up now to receive our monthly newsletter. SUBSCRIBE
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