Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the beginning of the modern environmental movement. So much has unfolded worldwide with this movement over the last 50 years although there is much more work to be done. Here in Kentucky, this movement includes the formation of KNLT, and this year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary of protecting, connecting & restoring wildlands throughout the Commonwealth.
We are grateful to all of you who’ve partnered with us over the years. Together we have protected over 45,000 acres of wildlands, safeguarding some of the most biologically diverse and climate resilient lands in Central Appalachia. Our efforts are forging ahead with several exciting projects moving forward on Pine Mountain.
This Earth Day we had hoped to gather with you to celebrate all we’ve accomplished together. Since we can’t be together we are bringing you a special Earth Day edition of our new Pine Mountain Sessions at Home and offer a few suggestions on how to celebrate.
Pine Mountain Sessions at Home – Earth Day Episode
Join us for a special Earth Day episode as we stream music and readings from our creative friends around the state.
April 22 | 8pm | Facebook Event Details

Hug a Tree for Earth Day
Spending time in nature, whether in the backyard, local park or the wilds of Pine Mountain, is good for our physical and mental wellbeing. The health benefits of “forest bathing” and even hugging trees are well documented. Consider getting out and hugging a tree for Earth Day.
Share your hug pictures using the tags #EarthDayHug & #KNLT.
Make Earth Day Everyday
Learn more about how to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide by visiting
Make a Special Earth Day Donation
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